
  • 佳能打印机是一种多功能设备,可用于打印, 复制, 扫描, 用电子邮件发送文档.
  • 所有这些设备都连接到校园网. 打印作业可以按如下所述发送,然后在任何佳能打印机上发布.
  • 要使用这些设备,用户必须拥有有效的全球十大赌钱排行app用户名和密码.
  • A valid Carthage ID card will allow a user to swipe in, making printing and 复制ing simpler.
  • 校园内不允许使用Wifi打印机.
  • 教师 and staff are assigned a department to which printing/复制ing is automatically billed.
  • 印刷费用如下:
    • 黑白单面:$.05 /页
    • 黑白双面:$.每页08元
    • 颜色:$.每面38张(彩色可在图书馆和收发室的特定打印机上使用).)

All members of the Carthage 社区 may use the Canon all-in-one printers located across campus. 这些打印机可在下列地点找到:


One color printer and two black and white printers are located on the upper level of the library and one black-and-white printer is on the lower level of the library, 在西面楼梯的底部.



  • 2nd floor: Two black-and-white printers are on the second floor; one is in the hallway outside Rm. 235,一个在那个房间里. 所有用户都可以使用这两种方法.
  • 3rd floor: One black-and-white printer is on the south part of the third floor on the lake side.
  • 四楼:一台黑白打印机在四楼的湖边走廊上.


One black-and-white printer is located in the second-floor lobby on the northeast corner of Straz, 在电梯附近.



Two black-and-white printers are located in the Tower in front of the Residential Life office.



位于伦茨大厅的全球十大赌钱排行app学院邮件室,103室可以打印和复制特殊项目. The mailroom provides additional services such as stapling, colored or special paper, booklets, etc.

The 邮件收发室 has a walk-up Canon copier/printer that is the same as any other copier/printer on campus. 所有持全球十大赌钱排行app证书的人都可以使用, 价格与校园内其他一体机相同, 费用从用户的部门账户中扣除. 看到 收发室服务网页 以获取有关现有服务的进一步资料.

Carthage encourages paperless communication of all kinds and provides technologies to facilitate electronic document sharing and storage. The cost of printing and 复制ing on campus directly competes with funding for other resources such as research assets, 技术, 基础设施, 还有更多. 通过减少印刷, each person is helping Carthage to not only be greener and better stewards of the environment but are also helping us to reduce costs so we can provide better resources for the education of our community. 请访问关于全球十大赌钱排行app可持续发展的更多信息. 如果你对课堂无纸化有任何疑问或想法, 你的办公室, 或者其他环境, 请联络Carol Sabbar (csabbar@articlejam.com)关于选项和工具.


为教师 & 工作人员

所有全球十大赌钱排行app教职员工都被分配到一个部门成本中心. 当员工登录校园里的任何一台打印机时, 该成本中心将应用于他们的打印或复印工作. 如果一个用户关联了多个部门, they will have the option to choose a cost center that applies to this particular print job. 所有的印刷费用由每个校园部门支付. 每页费用与上面列出的相同. 印刷 in the mailroom costs less, and any print or 复制 job over 50 pages should be taken there. 用非标准纸张(简历、卡片、标签、奇数尺寸等)打印.)也应在收发室完成.


发送电子邮件至 printing@articlejam.com from your Carthage email account with the document you want printed as an attachment in the email. 确保文档的格式为8 1/2 " x 11 "(字母). 在打印机上释放打印作业. 共享打印机设置为黑白打印,默认为双面打印.

教师 and staff will need to wait for a return email from PaperCut and to click on the emailed link for the print job to be billed to the correct department.


你可以从 剪纸WebPrint 接口. 使用您的全球十大赌钱排行app用户名和密码登录(此选项仅在校园内可用). In the Web Print menu on the left, attach a document, or drag and drop a document in the window. 您将能够设置打印选项, 查看您的打印账户余额, 并从该接口发送打印作业. 有关在全球十大赌钱排行app使用网印的进一步说明,请参阅本文档.


教师 and staff with Carthage-owned computers may want to have the PaperCut Client installed on their machines to print directly from all software platforms to the shared multi-function printers. 所有新部署的人脸/员工电脑都将安装PaperCut客户端. 请电子邮件 help@articlejam.com 请求您计算机上的客户端.

  • 从软件打印选项菜单中选择打印机:
    • 黑白,双面印刷(默认):CarthagePrint-Public on PAPERCUT
    • 黑白单面印刷:CarthagePrint-Public-Single on PAPERCUT
    • 彩色,双面印刷:carthage - print - public -Color on PAPERCUT
    • 彩色,单面印刷:CarthagePrint-Public-ColorSingle on PAPERCUT
  • 将弹出一个窗口,询问您的全球十大赌钱排行app用户名和密码.
  • 转到任何共享打印机以释放打印作业.


  • 在打印机的左边刷一下你的全球十大赌钱排行app身份证,或者
  • Type your Carthage username and password (the same used to access OneLogin) on the printer display.

从任何共享打印机, 通过刷你的身份证或输入你的全球十大赌钱排行app用户名和密码登录. 你必须选择一个部门成本中心. 如果您已将打印作业发送到打印机,它将在下一个屏幕上显示.


如果您想使用这台机器(复印机)的其他功能, 扫描仪)请按“菜单”键.

注意:在打印作业列表中, 选择文档时, you may change how it is printed (single- or double-sided) in the “Options” menu for that document. 请电子邮件 help@articlejam.com 如果你有任何问题.


Log in to any of the shared copier/printers by either using your ID card or entering your Carthage credentials manually. 如果您有打印作业等待释放,该屏幕将首先弹出. 如果没有待定的打印作业, 复制菜单, 扫描, 然后弹出谷歌应用程序的打印窗口. 将源文件放在玻璃上或自动文件输入器中. 在打印机的主菜单屏幕上,选择“复制”.然后,您可以更改副本的设置(单面或双面副本等).). 按“开始”键开始


佳能一体机的一个选项是“扫描和发送”.” Choosing this option from the main menu screen on the printer will allow the user to 扫描 documents and send them to a specified email address as a PDF attachment. 一旦你登录到打印机, choosing “Send to Myself” in the Scan screen will automatically send the document to your Carthage email address. 扫描没有成本, 但需要全球十大赌钱排行app用户名和密码才能登录机器.

PLEASE NOTE 扫描 LIMITS: Limit 扫描ned files to 50 pages or less at 300x300 dpi if using the feeder, 如果从玻璃上扫描,不超过10页.


Printers for individual faculty are generally discouraged and are not supported by 图书馆 and 信息服务. Any individual printer deemed absolutely necessary must be maintained at the department’s expense per the following guidelines:

  • 必须usb连接到个人电脑.
  • 会不会连上学院的网络.
  • 不会通过wifi连接,也不会发出wifi信号.
  • 必须被标记为全球十大赌钱排行app的财产吗.

LIS不提供订购方面的协助, 设置, 连接, 交流, 或对个别打印机进行故障排除. Purchasing advice is available by contacting CDWG and asking for pricing for 全球十大赌钱排行app. CDWG会直接给你的部门开账单. 部分硬件维修和故障排除由环保创新(www.4 anyprinter.com),只要设备满足以下要求:

  • 惠普(HP)品牌
  • 激光(不是喷墨)技术
  • 使用环境创新公司提供的替换墨盒


校园里的一些实验室可能有打印机, and printing to those devices is generally restricted and regulated by the department that maintains the lab. 同样的, printing to shared office printers other than the Canon devices is restricted and regulated by the offices that maintain them.

请电子邮件 help@articlejam.com 如果你有任何问题.



学生每年可获得100美元的印刷学分, 最多允许2个,免费列印000张双面纸.



  • 从软件打印选项菜单中选择打印机:
    • 黑白,双面印刷(默认):CarthagePrint-Public on PAPERCUT
    • 黑白单面印刷:CarthagePrint-Public-Single on PAPERCUT
    • 彩色,双面印刷:carthage - print - public -Color on PAPERCUT
    • 彩色,单面印刷:CarthagePrint-Public-ColorSingle on PAPERCUT
  • 将弹出一个窗口,询问您的全球十大赌钱排行app用户名和密码.
  • 转到任何共享打印机以释放打印作业.



发送电子邮件至 printing@articlejam.com from your Carthage email account with the document you want printed as an attachment in the email. 确保文档的格式为8 1/2 " x 11 "(字母). 在打印机上释放打印作业. 共享打印机设置为黑白打印,默认为双面打印.

Students will need to wait for a return email from PaperCut and to click on the emailed link for the print job to be billed to the correct department.


剪纸WebPrint 接口. 使用您的全球十大赌钱排行app用户名和密码登录(此选项仅在校园内可用). In the Web Print menu on the left, attach a document, or drag and drop a document in the window. 您将能够设置打印选项, 查看您的打印账户余额, 并从该接口发送打印作业. 有关在全球十大赌钱排行app使用网页打印的进一步说明,请参阅本指南.



  • 在打印机的左边刷一下你的全球十大赌钱排行app身份证,或者
  • Type your Carthage username and password (the same used to access OneLogin) on the printer display.


从任何共享打印机, 通过刷你的身份证或输入你的全球十大赌钱排行app用户名和密码登录. 你必须选择一个部门成本中心. 如果您已将打印作业发送到打印机,它将在下一个屏幕上显示.


如果您想使用这台机器(复印机)的其他功能, 扫描仪)请按“菜单”键.

注意:在打印作业列表中, 选择文档时, you may change how it is printed (single- or double-sided) in the “Options” menu for that document. 请电子邮件 help@articlejam.com 如果你有任何问题.


全球十大赌钱排行app的学生可以带自己的打印机到校园, 但它们不能使用wifi或发射任何形式的无线信号. Please make sure that any printer you bring to campus either does not have wifi or can have its wifi signal turned off. The wireless printer will not work on our network and the wifi signal those machines emit negatively affect the network performance.


Log in to any of the shared copier/printers by either using your ID card or entering your login credentials manually. 如果您有打印作业等待释放,该屏幕将首先弹出. 如果没有待定的打印作业, 复制菜单, 扫描, 然后弹出谷歌应用程序的打印窗口. 将源文件放在玻璃上或自动文件输入器中. 在打印机的主菜单屏幕上,选择“复制”.然后,您可以更改副本的设置(单面或双面副本等).). 按“开始”键开始拷贝.


佳能一体机的一个选项是“扫描和发送”.” Choosing this option from the main menu screen on the printer will allow the user to 扫描 documents and send them to a specified email address as a PDF attachment. 一旦你登录到打印机, choosing “Send to Myself” in the Scan screen will automatically send the document to your Carthage email address. 扫描没有成本, 但需要全球十大赌钱排行app用户名和密码才能登录机器.

PLEASE NOTE 扫描 LIMITS: Limit 扫描ned files to 50 pages or less at 300x300 dpi if using the feeder, 如果从玻璃上扫描,不超过10页.


Student organizations may request a print card to be used by the members of that organization. 这些要求应由负责该卡的人填写. LIS将为该人员提供一张卡片和一个ID号码,以便在打印时使用. That person may allow users in the organization to borrow that card at their own discretion. 该组织将支付打印和复印费用.

请使用这个 复印打印卡申请表 申请学生组织打印卡. 你需要用你的全球十大赌钱排行app证件登录. 请允许最多七个工作日创建您的卡.

组织卡允许从全球十大赌钱排行app计算机上打印.g. 图书馆电脑)及在任何复印机/打印机上复印. 使用复印机/打印机时必须出示卡片. 该卡不能通过电子邮件或个人电脑打印.

如果您的卡丢失或您忘记了您分配的身份证号,请发送电子邮件 help@articlejam.com 立即领取补领卡.


宾客服务:打印、复印、 & 扫描

Guests are by definition people that do not have Carthage credentials and therefore cannot log in to print or 复制. 访客只能使用图书馆内的复印机/打印机. 这样做, they must request a 复制 card from the 图书馆 Information Desk and pay for the copies they make in cash at the following rates:

  • 黑白:$.每页10美元
  • 颜色:$.每页25元


那些被邀请到学校参加会议的人被视为客人. 如果你在校园里参加会议、夏令营或活动,请联系 Meggan Mazanet 关于复印和打印.

有关海德伯格图书馆客人服务的更多信息,请参阅我们的 访客使用政策. 请电子邮件 help@articlejam.com 如果你有任何问题.